Dr. Jerry Dean Epps
Dr. Jerry Dean Epps, (Ph.D. in Human Services, M.A. in Sociology, B.A. in education) is a teacher and a counselor. He has taught at the university and elementary levels. He has spent a lifetime teaching and devising instructional materials for various projects that he loves including Recipe For Hope. He has spent time in Latin America and enjoys a passable facility in speaking Spanish. Post 9/11 he searched for ways to make the world a better place for all people. He decided that teaching democracy and free enterprise is a viable way to do that. In 2014, having an epiphany after reading Brinkley's book, he realized there actually are ways to eradicate most poverty from earth! This became a major turning point in his life. Recipe For Hope is a heart gift to the human family. He lives with his wife in Marietta, Georgia, USA, and is active in Spanish activities, counseling, and business. He desires for all people to be politically and economically free!
Dr. Jerry Dean Epps
Dr. Jerry Dean Epps
Ph.D. in Human Services, M.A. in Sociology, B.A. in education.
Founder of Recipe For Hope.
He is also a real estate investor, business owner, and author.
Timothy Gowens
Owner of:
and former President of the Smyrna Rotary club, Timothy Gowens has acted as the main producer of Recipe for Hope along with Dr. Epps' direction.